Member Forms

The Imperial Court of Toronto offers the following types of annual Membership.

 Membership Types

Individual - Fee: $30 | Benefits: Voice & Vote at all TICOT Meetings | Regulations: Persons over the age of majority residing in the TICOT Realm (including life members) who have submitted membership dues and a completed membership form signed in ink. Membership is valid until the end of the fiscal year in which it was received. They shall be entitled to both hold voice and vote at any TICOT Membership Meeting, Open or closed. May hold office if elected and/or appointed within TICOT.
(Nov 1 to Oct 31 Annually)

Life | Benefits: Voice at TICOT Meetings but no voting privileges | Regulations: Persons who have successfully completed their reign as either Emperor or Empress of TICOT. Life membership shall entitle the holder to only voice at all open general membership meetings, but they will not be counted as part of the formation of quorum of any meeting. They cannot hold any office or position of responsibility within TICOT unless they are also a current Individual member in good standing.

Affiliate - Fee: $30| Benefits: Voice at TICOT Meetings but no voting privileges | Regulations: Persons of any age who do not reside within the TICOT realm. Affiliate Membership does not have voice and vote and will not be counted for quorum of any meeting. They cannot hold any office and/or position of responsibility within TICOT. They may attend any open General Members Meeting.

Junior - Fee: $30 | Benefits: Can Attend any open general meeting | Regulations: Persons under the age of majority who reside within the TICOT realm. Junior Membership does not have voice and vote and will not be counted for quorum of any meeting. They cannot hold any office and/or position of responsibility within TICOT. They may attend any open General Members Meeting.

A $3 transaction fee added to all online memberships.

All members will receive titles from the reigning Monarch(s), may produce TICOT fundraisers and are eligible to walk with The Imperial Court of Toronto at events.

All titles* from The Imperial Court of Toronto become null and void at the end of each Reign and members are "reset" in the protocol rank as a Lord or a Lady with the exception of the following titles:

  • Past Monarchs

  • Past Imperial Crown Princes

  • Past Imperial Crown Princesses

  • Ultima Titles

*The Mr and Miss Trillium Pageant Titles expire upon completion of the term
*The Queen Mother/King Father Appointment Titles expire upon completion of the term

To apply for or renew your membership online, just add the appropriate membership item to your online cart and complete your purchase.
If you would prefer to pay by cash, cheque or e-transfer, either complete an online membership form (below) or download the form and mail it (with your payment) to TICOT's mailing address.
The easiest way to pay is via e-transfer to but you can also use PayPal, please note that additional fees apply for PayPal transactions. Cash payments must be handed to a member of the TICOT Executive.

The Imperial Court of Toronto (TICOT)
473 Church Street, Suite 201
Toronto, Ontario, Canada     M4Y 2C

New Membership

Once you select add to cart you will be required to fill out a form which send all the filled out information to the executive.

Membership Renewal

Once you select add to cart you will be required to fill out a form which send all the filled out information to the executive.


New Membership Form

Membership Renewal Form